Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Been a While

     The fact of the matter is I make a terrible blogger. Just as I've never been able to keep a diary, I can't seem to post a daily blog. It's not as if I don't intend to keep up with it, I really do I just lack the drive to do it.

     So now six months later and what feels like a jillion miles away I am finally writing again.

     Maybe is the fact that I'm in South Korea!? Whuck! When and how did that happen! Or maybe it's the fact that my husband is pulling a 24 hour shift so I'm avoiding sleep.

     On a completely separate note the short time I'm away from him each day seems to put me in a rage against the Army. I mean why would anyone have to actually go to work right? Ha now that's laughable.

     I understand the fact that it's his job, and I was completely understanding of the first week long training session, but he just got out of training, now what does he need to know? And why on earth didn't he receive this oh so important training in the month before I got here? I guess I'm just bitter because now that they've brought me here. To. A. Foreign. Country. They want to take several of our first weeks back together and send him to do training, leaving me here, in a foreign country by my self.

     Oh yeah did I mention that English speakers are far and few between? And I was lucky enough to have a very interesting conversation with the neighbors which included several surely crazy looking hand gestures, and equally crazy noise making from both parties. I think the gist of what they were trying to say is the downstairs neighbor dog barks all night, and your dog barks when you leave (which may I add he only does for about 5 min before he falls asleep and not even the doorbell can set him off again. We tried.) and because I have a baby its really important that you don't leave your dog here. Ok, I'm sorry lady, but I'm not going to stay cooped up in this big empty apartment, during normal waking hours, just because it's convenient for you.

     I'm complaining a lot, but let me clarify that I am glad to be here. Despite my Grandma freaking out everytime I mention I may leave the house, let-alone I may go somewhere without my husband, it's nice enough here. Dirty, yes extremely. Cold, most days, but I can bundle. So crowded it about sends me off the deep end with anxiety related problems, most definitely. But I'm glad to be here with my husband, and our little turd dog Copper.

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