Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Know I'm Breaking the Rules

     I've read somewhere that you're not supposed to post more than once a day, but I just couldn't resist, so here I go, breaking the rules. I just had to say, I am obsessed with my camera. I love it, I seriously forgot how much I loved it, I haven't used it since I got my iPhone left culinary school almost a year ago.
     Swiss always says, why bother using your camera, your iPhone works just as well.

     In some aspects he's right, its much more convenient, and sometimes the quality is just as nice, but I can zoom with my camera more. I can focus easier, and I can blur the background while focusing on the foreground, much much easier.

     It's been a long time, I missed it, and now I've gone a little crazy. So here you go, some of my random pictures.

I love taking pictures of my baby, he's so handsome.
He can never wait to get out of the elevator.
He's hot on the trail.
     Oh by the way, let me tell you, he hates having to put his sweater on, but he doesn't fight too much because he knows its necessary. Also, the second we get outside he always starts shivering.

He just didn't want to set that back foot down.
This is why I REALLY love my camera.
Also this.
If only all of the lights worked :/
      So now you know, I'm crazy, and I'm crazy about my camera. Get used to it.

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