Friday, December 30, 2011

Why I Refer to my Husband as Swiss

     Swiss. It's a strange name to call your husband by, I'll admit, but every blog I've ever read has some pet name to refer to their husbands and children. I'd been thinking for quite some time about what to call him. I mean we have our own pet names for each other, but those are ours, they're personal, and not something I want to share. What can I say I'm greedy. And then one day, it just sort of happened.

     Now before I get into the story, let me preface it by saying I love my husband very very much. Some days he may drive me crazy, but I don't love him any less for it.

     One day we were on the subway, I'm not sure where we had been, but we were on our way home. That day had just been one of those days where he was trying so hard to be funny and all it was doing was irritating me. It wasn't his fault, I usually laugh at his incessant jokes, but some outside circumstance had put me in a bad mood, and therefore nothing was funny, especially not him.

     It was mean of me, but I couldn't take anymore, I looked at him and snapped, "Can you just shut up for two seconds! I've had it up to here with you and you're grating on my nerves!"

     He was quiet for about thirty seconds when we reached our stop and started walking.

     I have a feeling he tried very hard to stay quiet for those thirty seconds because then he looked at me and said, very seriously, "Like a cheese grater?" Before he bust up laughing.

     I couldn't help but smile, "That's what I'm going to call you in my blog," I said "Cheese."

     "Cheese? That's it? Can't I be a fancy cheese?"

     "Fine, would you rather be Provolone?" I responded.

     "How about Swiss?" He replied, "Get it? 'Cause I'm Holy?"

     Again, I laughed at his pun/ Harry Potter reference (I mean how can you not smile at a Harry Potter reference) and said to him, "Fine, Swiss it is."

     And that is why I call my husband Swiss.

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