Saturday, December 17, 2011


     I'm not one to normally get up in someone's face in defense of another person, oh wait, yes I am. I was able to keep my nose out of it this time, but man did I want to tear this person to shreds.

     A childhood friend of my hubby's is currently deployed overseas. I adore his wife and we are Facebook friends. She recently posted an article titled "Some Iraq Troops Won't Be Home for the Holidays Despite Obama Pledge" After reading the article it is talking about how some troops in Kuwait will remain there and some troops in Iraq will be moved there.

     All her post said was "Figures..."

     I'm sure that all she was thinking when she stated that was "Man it sure would be nice to have my husband home for Christmas so he could spend it with his daughters." One of them is a newborn. I can say with almost 100% certainty she was not trying to make any bold political statement.

     This was the first and only reply she got:
"Facebook is not the place to share partisan, political opinions, otherwish FB would explode with people's divisive viewpoints. The Country is polarized enough. If we can't have peace WITHIN our own Country, how can we ever promote peace on earth? ♥ "

     First of all, "otherwish FB" what the hell is that supposed to mean? Oh, you mean "otherwise Facebook"? Oh sorry, I couldn't tell through your thick hippy accent, man. 
     Second of all, this woman is reading a newspaper article that is telling her her husband may not be coming home for Christmas, when she has been hoping for the best for months, and you have the gall to tell her she shouldn't post political opinions on Facebook.

     Third of all, it's a public forum buddy, you didn't have to click that article, you didn't have to read her post, you could have simply ignored it or even removed it from your news feed, so bugger off. You knowingly added her as a friend, knowing that her husband is in the military and she may have viewpoints she would like to post. Just because you don't exercise the public forum the same way she does, does not mean it's wrong.

     But I didn't say that, I held my tongue, or rather my fingers, but man did I wan't to go for the throat.
     Anyway, I'll hop of my soap box now, for those of you who made t this far, thanks for reading :)


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