Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Have a Hard Time Organizing my Thoughts

     So I've been having a hard time gathering my thoughts to make a coherent blog post. There's so much stuff I want to say, but I don't know what to focus on. How am I supposed to separate what matters and what doesn't?

     One of the great perks about being an Army wife is having to change plans at a moments notice.

     Yesterday, around 5:30 I got a message from a fellow Army wife, "Hey, can you call me, here's my number." Her husband is in the same company as mine, and she is moving into the same apartment complex as me.
Seeing as I was out running errands I couldn't exactly call her so I sent her a text. "Hey what's up?"

     She explained to me that she was still about three hours out, and wouldn't be able to make it in time to move into her apartment. She had called around and the only hotel that allowed pets was booked.

     "I don't know what to do, would it be ok if I stayed with you tonight?"

     Well I wasn't about to tell her no. We Army wives are a sisterhood, what kind of sister would I be if I turned her away. I of course told her that was fine, but my apartments a mess, so you'll have to excuse it.

     As soon as I got home I began scrambling trying to get the apartment somewhat cleaned up. I had already scrubbed the bathroom that morning, but I needed to vacuum, and do general pickup, and clean the kitchen, which was and still is a mess. Plus I had promised my husband I would clean out the car.

     I managed to get the house looking somewhat decent, didn't get to the kitchen though, but at least it wasn't trashed, like it could have been. Overall I think I pulled off the "my house is a mess" while it is actually in decent shape.

     Copper, our beagle, got along great with her husky, Fenrir. It's great for him to finally have a playmate, although the little traitor didn't sleep with me, he was curled up at the foot of her bed all night.

     Today she is getting settled into her apartment, and soon she will be here and we will go run some errands.

     Maybe this summer wont be quite as lonely as I thought it would be.

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