Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Eve in Yongsan

     Yesterday we decided to make the trip to Yongsan with a friend. He wanted our advice and help finding a tv for cheap. Unfortunately we got a late start and came home empty handed, but we plan to head back Monday.

     When we arrived in Yongsan it was about 2:30, we had hopped quite a few trains, because we had changed our minds about where to go first. So the trip took quite a bit longer than normal.

     Our first stop was lunch. I've been dying to try this Pizza School Swiss has been telling me about, so we finally decided to go. First of all Korean pizza is strange, a lot of times there potato and other things on it. They also eat it with pickles and hot sauce, but to each his own I suppose. This place has a pizza with ribs on it, a pizza with chicken fingers on it, along with many other strange combinations. We decided on a Napoli and a Sweet Potato Pizza.

     The Napoli was good, strange but good. It had ham and pepperoni on it, and sweet yellow onions along with your typical red sauce and cheese. It was topped with some kind of honey mustard sauce. Personally, I thought the onions were way overpowering, but other than that it was great.

     The Sweet Potato Pizza... well, it was different, both of the guys seemed to like it, a lot, but I just wasn't fond of it. It had some sort of sweet sauce, along with the sweet onions, standard cheese and of course topped with sweet potatoes. It was sweet and cheesy, a strange combination to begin with. I just ate the sweet potatoes off my piece, and then ate the stuffed crust, which was delicious by the way. There are a lot of stuffed crust pizzas out there, and I'm sure many of them are good, but I'd say this was one of the best.

     Next we headed over to the electronics market in search of a tv. It was about 4:30 by the time we got there so everything was starting to shut down. We searched and searched, and finally, found a 42 in LCD LG for around $400.

     Of course for some unknown reason (I think the guys think I speak Korean) I am always nominated to ask the prices, and strike the deals. So I go up to the guy and start asking about the tv. We go back and forth him trying to make me understand something about a plasma tv. Finally I get the idea that he's trying to say they don't have any 42 in LCDs available. So we say ok and walk on to the next shop, when we notice a stack of the very same tvs we were looking at.

     Swiss points them out, but then states they must be sold already. In my head I honestly doubt it, but don't say anything.

     We then take a step into the next door when a sales associate comes up to stop us. "No, no, no, we're closed," he says.

     So we continue looking. On our way out of the building we see the same associate speaking with some Korean's who are wondering around the store.

     Oh, it's ok I get it now. The store is closed to Americans. It's all good though, I just found my favorite coffee shop.

     I discovered this place the first weekend I was here. It's called Angel-In-Us. It is a chain and I think they are either partnered with or owned with the company who owns Lotteria. I decided to play it safe and have a caramel mochiatto, which is actually all I've ever had there. Anyway, it's a very cozy little coffee shop, warm and homey, with big plush chairs and angel wings everywhere, but that's not why I love it so much. The reason I insisted on going there originally was because I was drawn by the angel theme, but the reason I keep going back is because their coffee is so darn good. Better than any Starbucks or Pete's. Better than Bean Barn from back home. It is just...perfection...that is the only word I have for it, except for perhaps bliss. Simply amazing.

     After that I was in a much better mood despite my headache. I also finally got my Hangul keyboard I wanted and Swiss got his SD card. All in all a pretty good day.


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