Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's Christmas Eve!

     A very merry Christmas Eve to everyone, I know that in a lot of places it's still the 23rd, but in that case early Christmas Eve. Thanks to a last minute schedule change, I am now spending it alone, gotta love the Army, but that's ok I'm wasting my time baking, instead of cleaning like I should be.
     Oh, also, it's snowing, so it looks like we'll be having a white Christmas :D , too bad it's so darn friggin' cold I don't want to go outside! I'll venture down there soon to get some pictures though, along with everything I've baked today.
Ok so it's only a little snow, but still!

I get excited and take way too many pictures.
Seriously too many.

I was trying to get a really cool picture of a pretty little building, but I couldn't zoom in enough.

     I've made english toffee, although I'm not sure how that turned out, I'll get back to you, I may not have cooked it long enough. I don't have a candy thermometer, but it looked like it was burning before it got to the hard crack stage, I'm not sure why, maybe I'm just crazy.

     Well the toffee didn't turn out right, I'm not sure why, but I'm scatterbrained, probably added too much sugar, at least that's what it feels like. It tastes good, but it's not right. I've made that recipe about a million times too, so this just isn't my week for baking.

     I also made white chocolate peppermint cheesecake. I've never made it before, but the filling tastes pretty good, plus I'm all about easy so it's cheaters cheesecake. If it turns out good, I'll teach you how.

     Finally, I'm about to make sugar cookies, after I chase the dog away from the presents.

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