
     Well, first of all, I'd like to apologize to anyone I may have stolen the title of my blog from, if I did, it wasn't intentional.

     Secondly, this is all so new to me, blogging, being thousands of miles from home, being an Army Wife, and lets just say, it's certainly not the easiest.

     While my wonderful husband was away in Basic Combat Training (BCT) I felt the urge to start a chronicle of our life together, as crazy as it may be. It just seemed right, of course at the time I was busy working and packing for the move out to Georgia, so the time just passed me by and I never wrote a word other than the hundreds of letters I sent to my hubby.

     I've always loved writing and what makes a better story than real life trials and tribulations. I will do my best to do the story justice and remain as true to it as possible, but I know that words will only get me so far and I do have a tendency to embellish, what can I say, I read too much growing up :) .

     Now the real question is where to start, and how much do I really feel I can share on a blog where anyone could potentially see. Do I start from the day I met dear husband (DH) or do I start from the day he left for BCT?

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