Monday, June 20, 2011

What an Amazing Weekend

     So this is the first weekend I've got to spend the night with my husband since he started AIT, and let me say, it was a great weekend.

     We watched movies and slept and basically just lounged around.
There's not really much to say about it, when I started writing this blog, I was so overwhelmed by a montage of emotions that it seemed like there would be more to actually say.

     We ate out, and enjoyed each others company. Cuddled and kissed.

     I love my husband, but we've been having a rough time of it lately, and this was a much needed break. It's so hard being apart from him, and just being able to sleep in the same bed, something anyone but a military wife takes for granted, is a welcome change.

     The funny thing is my husband has a way of being able to read me like an open book. He can read my thought's and emotions, but for some reason he had a difficult time of it today. I know there was a lot of pure, raw emotion there, but you'd think that him, being him, would be able to tell exactly what it was, but he couldn't.

     Now I know that, all of that seems very cryptic, and actually it's meant to be. I feel like I can't and shouldn't reveal too much, because who knows who could be reading ; )

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