Friday, December 30, 2011

Why I Refer to my Husband as Swiss

     Swiss. It's a strange name to call your husband by, I'll admit, but every blog I've ever read has some pet name to refer to their husbands and children. I'd been thinking for quite some time about what to call him. I mean we have our own pet names for each other, but those are ours, they're personal, and not something I want to share. What can I say I'm greedy. And then one day, it just sort of happened.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Know I'm Breaking the Rules

     I've read somewhere that you're not supposed to post more than once a day, but I just couldn't resist, so here I go, breaking the rules. I just had to say, I am obsessed with my camera. I love it, I seriously forgot how much I loved it, I haven't used it since I got my iPhone left culinary school almost a year ago.

It's Christmas Eve!

     A very merry Christmas Eve to everyone, I know that in a lot of places it's still the 23rd, but in that case early Christmas Eve. Thanks to a last minute schedule change, I am now spending it alone, gotta love the Army, but that's ok I'm wasting my time baking, instead of cleaning like I should be.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do as I Say, Not as I Do: How I Made Chocolate Chip Frisbees

     If you ask my mother she would tell you I can't bake for crap, which isn't entirely true. If you ask my husband, I'm more baking than savory. So which is it? The truth is I love baking, just as much as I love cooking, but sometimes my absent mindedness gets in the way.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


     I'm not one to normally get up in someone's face in defense of another person, oh wait, yes I am. I was able to keep my nose out of it this time, but man did I want to tear this person to shreds.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

So Let Me Just Say Something

     Have you ever tried trying to find potting soil in Korea, or any kind of dirt for that matter that's not $800,000,000 $2 per liter? No well let me tell you a little something about it. It sucks.

     We have a planter box and I've been trying to find some sort of dirt to put in it so I don't have to trek all the way downtstairs to walk (we live on the 9th floor of a high rise) Copper ten times a day. Its a large planter box so it's going to take a lot of dirt to come even remotely close to filling, let-alone covering the bottom. Let me tell you, it's harder than all heck to find dirt here. We finally found some at the PX in Yongsan, guess how much it was? Well I don't exactly remember but it was something like $16 for 8 liters. Whuck? You're kidding me right? And actually a friend looked for us so I was like "That's not so bad, $16 for 8lbs, I can do that," and then he said "no, 8 liters." Then all thought of buying said dirt went out the window.

It's Been a While

     The fact of the matter is I make a terrible blogger. Just as I've never been able to keep a diary, I can't seem to post a daily blog. It's not as if I don't intend to keep up with it, I really do I just lack the drive to do it.

     So now six months later and what feels like a jillion miles away I am finally writing again.

     Maybe is the fact that I'm in South Korea!? Whuck! When and how did that happen! Or maybe it's the fact that my husband is pulling a 24 hour shift so I'm avoiding sleep.