Friday, March 16, 2012

I've Already Failed

     So much for my resolution to blog everyday, I totally forgot yesterday, but in my defense I was going all day.
     Started my day at the gym, then waited at a friends house for Swiss to pick me up. Once we got home I began cleaning, laundry, dishes you name it.

     And then I prepared dinner which was gumbo by the way, and delicious.
Yes, I know it's a terrible picture, it was meant for Facebook, not here.
     We also attempted to make macarons again, they came out better, but still not quite right. For some reason the second batch turned out better. I guess that's the hazard when you're playing with a new recipe. Sorry, but I didn't take pictures, maybe later.

     So on the way to Yongsan to get my haircut we got terribly lost (as lost as one can get when armed with google maps and a smartphone). And got stuck on a random expressway, more than once, it was terrible but in the end we had to laugh.

     The good thing about being lost is you find new things. I should have taken pictures, but let me assure you that was the farthest thing from my mind. Anyway, we found this huge open air market selling all kinds of stuff, from fruit to clothes. Luckily I thought to mark it on my map so we can take a trip sometime.

     In the end it took us two hours to get there, which is insane, but I got my haircut.

     I also got something else. Koreans celebrate Valentines Day a little differently. On February 14th the women give chocolate and gifts to the men, sometimes just as a sign of friendship or sometimes to their romantic interest or husband. Then on March 14th, White Day, the men return the favor. Finally, Black Day, April 14th is a day for singles. Anyway, Swiss got me a White Day gift.

     My engagement ring!!! Yay! Super excited to finally have the bling.

     That's it for now. Annyeong-hasseyo.

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