Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Been Too Long

Let me start off by apologizing. If this post is a little wonky I'm sorry, I'm using my phone for convenience and I'm not shure (wow yes I just did that)sure what it's going to do. Secondly I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted, I really need to stay on top of that. I guess I'll have to catch everyone up later.

Now on to why I'm writing. I have suddenly became super ambitious about being at least moderately healthy. And here's how. (Yes Swiss I relive that's a fragment. Get over it.)

I've already started going to the gym twice a week for a cross fit program. I originally started going just to socialize and get out of the house, and let me tell you it's worked wonders. I love going. I drive now and it gets me out of the house. I've also agreed to try Zumba this week. Why did I do that!? I am so uncoordinated, I said I'd never do it but I'm going to give it a shot.

I'm also going to start drinking *gasp* water. Yup. Two of these bad boys a day. I guess I have to add the picture later. But it totals 64 oz.

Oh and I've. Even drinking 8 oz of cranberry juice a day, Doctors orders. Well, at least trying, but that's included in my plan.

I'm going to start meal planning, so that I actually eat, cause I hear it's kinda important. I figure if I write down my meals in advance I'll stick to it. At least I'm hoping, I'm also helping this will help lower grocery expenses but I guess we will see.

Also I'm swearing off soda, except when we go out, that will be my allowance so to speak, but I've already cut back a lot so I don't think it will be too hard.

So there is my plan. I'm putting it out there to help keep my accountable. I'm also going to make it a point to post everyday. I can do it, I just have to make it a habit.

For now, anyeong-haseyo.

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