Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Gifts

     First of all thank you to everyone who has sent us stuff for our little one in the mail, we really appreciate it. It really feels good that knowing how far we are from home, there's still people thinking about us.

     We decided to take a video of us opening everything we received so that we can share it with those of you back home. Kind of like a virtual baby shower. Please remember that both of us are really awkward on camera, so try not to judge us too much!

Friday, March 16, 2012

I've Already Failed

     So much for my resolution to blog everyday, I totally forgot yesterday, but in my defense I was going all day.
     Started my day at the gym, then waited at a friends house for Swiss to pick me up. Once we got home I began cleaning, laundry, dishes you name it.

     And then I prepared dinner which was gumbo by the way, and delicious.
Yes, I know it's a terrible picture, it was meant for Facebook, not here.
     We also attempted to make macarons again, they came out better, but still not quite right. For some reason the second batch turned out better. I guess that's the hazard when you're playing with a new recipe. Sorry, but I didn't take pictures, maybe later.

     So on the way to Yongsan to get my haircut we got terribly lost (as lost as one can get when armed with google maps and a smartphone). And got stuck on a random expressway, more than once, it was terrible but in the end we had to laugh.

     The good thing about being lost is you find new things. I should have taken pictures, but let me assure you that was the farthest thing from my mind. Anyway, we found this huge open air market selling all kinds of stuff, from fruit to clothes. Luckily I thought to mark it on my map so we can take a trip sometime.

     In the end it took us two hours to get there, which is insane, but I got my haircut.

     I also got something else. Koreans celebrate Valentines Day a little differently. On February 14th the women give chocolate and gifts to the men, sometimes just as a sign of friendship or sometimes to their romantic interest or husband. Then on March 14th, White Day, the men return the favor. Finally, Black Day, April 14th is a day for singles. Anyway, Swiss got me a White Day gift.

     My engagement ring!!! Yay! Super excited to finally have the bling.

     That's it for now. Annyeong-hasseyo.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jacoby Burger: Yongsan

     Last weekend we went down to Yongsan to hang out with friends and go see John Carter, but first we had to go to lunch of course. We've been hearing a lot about this Jacoby Burger and decided it was time to give it a try. Suffice to say, it lived up to its reputation.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It's Been Too Long

Let me start off by apologizing. If this post is a little wonky I'm sorry, I'm using my phone for convenience and I'm not shure (wow yes I just did that)sure what it's going to do. Secondly I'm sorry its been so long since I've posted, I really need to stay on top of that. I guess I'll have to catch everyone up later.

Now on to why I'm writing. I have suddenly became super ambitious about being at least moderately healthy. And here's how. (Yes Swiss I relive that's a fragment. Get over it.)

I've already started going to the gym twice a week for a cross fit program. I originally started going just to socialize and get out of the house, and let me tell you it's worked wonders. I love going. I drive now and it gets me out of the house. I've also agreed to try Zumba this week. Why did I do that!? I am so uncoordinated, I said I'd never do it but I'm going to give it a shot.

I'm also going to start drinking *gasp* water. Yup. Two of these bad boys a day. I guess I have to add the picture later. But it totals 64 oz.

Oh and I've. Even drinking 8 oz of cranberry juice a day, Doctors orders. Well, at least trying, but that's included in my plan.

I'm going to start meal planning, so that I actually eat, cause I hear it's kinda important. I figure if I write down my meals in advance I'll stick to it. At least I'm hoping, I'm also helping this will help lower grocery expenses but I guess we will see.

Also I'm swearing off soda, except when we go out, that will be my allowance so to speak, but I've already cut back a lot so I don't think it will be too hard.

So there is my plan. I'm putting it out there to help keep my accountable. I'm also going to make it a point to post everyday. I can do it, I just have to make it a habit.

For now, anyeong-haseyo.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Downtown Uijeongbu: Our Latest Adventure

     I know, I know. It's been a while, but as I said from the start I make a terrible blogger. All of our stuff finally got here and so I've been really busy trying to unpack and organize.

     Anyway, because our stuff finally got here, including our TV we had the guys over for movie night. Which led us to deciding to go out to downtown Uijeongbu. We set out in search of a 노래방, Noraebong, which literally translates to singing room, or more specifically Karaoke.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Eve in Yongsan

     Yesterday we decided to make the trip to Yongsan with a friend. He wanted our advice and help finding a tv for cheap. Unfortunately we got a late start and came home empty handed, but we plan to head back Monday.