Monday, June 20, 2011

What an Amazing Weekend

     So this is the first weekend I've got to spend the night with my husband since he started AIT, and let me say, it was a great weekend.

     We watched movies and slept and basically just lounged around.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Have a Hard Time Organizing my Thoughts

     So I've been having a hard time gathering my thoughts to make a coherent blog post. There's so much stuff I want to say, but I don't know what to focus on. How am I supposed to separate what matters and what doesn't?

     One of the great perks about being an Army wife is having to change plans at a moments notice.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Long Days Are Worth it When I See Him

    So I've been having a difficult time adjusting to life out here in Georgia. My days and nights are mixed up, I can't get out of bed in the morning and when I do I usually just go watch tv and end up falling back asleep. Then, midnight rolls around and I'm still wide awake, usually trying to get the puppy to sleep because he's wide awake from sleeping all day too.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Day We Met

Sometime in April, a Saturday...

     I was attending culinary school at the Art Institute of Sacramento, this was about the fourth week of the quarter and I was taking World Cuisine. It was a small class, only about 10 people total, but only 5-7 that ever showed up.

Well, This is New

     Well, first of all, I'd like to apologize to anyone I may have stolen the title of my blog from, if I did, it wasn't intentional.

     Secondly, this is all so new to me, blogging, being thousands of miles from home, being an Army Wife, and lets just say, it's certainly not the easiest.

     While my wonderful husband was away in Basic Combat Training (BCT) I felt the urge to start a chronicle of our life together, as crazy as it may be. It just seemed right, of course at the time I was busy working and packing for the move out to Georgia, so the time just passed me by and I never wrote a word other than the hundreds of letters I sent to my hubby.

     I've always loved writing and what makes a better story than real life trials and tribulations. I will do my best to do the story justice and remain as true to it as possible, but I know that words will only get me so far and I do have a tendency to embellish, what can I say, I read too much growing up :) .

     Now the real question is where to start, and how much do I really feel I can share on a blog where anyone could potentially see. Do I start from the day I met dear husband (DH) or do I start from the day he left for BCT?